Three Little Birds Apiaries, is a family owned company that started its roots with three Rhode Island chicks. After Molly Carlson (at the age of 12) was offered an opportunity to learn beekeeping, she turned her new hobby into a small business.
Their hives are located throughout Chatham County and their hives produce uniquely beautifully colored and flavored honey all on their own.
Visit them at
The goal for the logo was to keep with the name and reflect the back of their company. Their farm started with three Rhode Island chicks later transitioned to raising bees. However, It needed to have a clear visual understanding that it's an apiary.
For the final decision, we felt the Hens with Hoover Hives didn't give the clear depiction of the company, so we reflected the atmosphere of their farm, still including three birds flying over their barn for memorable reflection and the several Hives in the forefront. Overall it creates homebody comfort and continues with that family centered identity.